The baby when inside the belly is upside down. We all know this position of the baby because we have seen it in pictures and books. But, it is not always at this position. At about the 32 week of pregnancy, the baby’s head will be facing down. It will be facing the birth canal. It is easy for the baby to rotate from head-up to head-down position. This is called as cephalic presentation. This is easy because there is enough space in the uterus. But, in some cases, the babies position their head down much later during pregnancy. Some babies turn only a few moments before child birth! This movement of the foetus to cephalic presentation is called head engagement and baby drop.
Why the head down position is important for delivery?
The child birth will be easier and labour will be shorter if the baby turns its head down. This is because the babies usually come out head first. So head down baby are easy to some out.
Most frequent types of head down position baby during pregnancy are –
Vertex presentation –
This is a common position. The baby’s back is facing your tummy and its face looks towards your spine. This is the most ideal position for child birth because the baby is lined up to fit through your pelvis smoothly. Sometimes, the baby’s head can be a bit turned to the side which is not at all a problem.
Face presentation –
In this case, the head is extended and the face becomes the leading part. This is a case in just 1% of presentations. It is a common position among premature babies. If the face presentation is uncomplicated, then the duration of labour is not at all altered.
Brow presentation –
In this case, the baby’s neck and head are slightly extended. It is as if the baby is looking up. This position occurs more frequently in post-mature babies.
How to make your baby get into head down position?
If your baby is not in cephalic position even after week 36, you can do a few things to help change its position. Ask the assistance of your doctor for this.
Some things you can do after medical advice is to change to a better sitting position.
- You must tilt your pelvis forward while sitting. Also, ensure that your knees are never placed higher than your hips. This will help your baby get in a head-down position with ease.
- You can also squat in a comfortable position and scrub the floor. Sit on all your fours to help your baby to change his head position.
- Do not sit for extended hours. Be very active even during your pregnancy.
- Walking is a good form of exercise during pregnancy. Walking creates movement in your pelvis to help the baby turn in a head down position.
- Use soft cushions while sitting in a car. This will make your knees come under your hips.
- You can also lean over a birthing ball while watching TV or using the computer.
- Sleep on your left side.
These are certain things about the head down baby.
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